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Links (4)
Time For A Massage? 916-272
Stop by HTM Massage for a relaxing full-body massage seven days a week. We are located at the corner of Florin Rd and Freeport Blvd. 1355 Florin Rd, Suite #13 95822 Call Now to schedule your massage. 916.272.2224 1 hr $60 1hr deep tissue $70 Four hands 30 minute massage $70 Half hr $40 Hours 9:30-8:30, seven days a week. Appointments highly recommended walk-ins are also available. We accept cash or credit card.
Update: 17 days ago
Time For A Massage? 916-272
Stop by HTM Massage for a relaxing full-body massage seven days a week. We are located at the corner of Florin Rd and Freeport Blvd. 1355 Florin Rd, Suite #13 95822 Call Now to schedule your massage. 916.272.2224 1 hr $60 1hr deep tissue $70 Four hands 30 minute massage $70 Half hr $40 Hours 9:30-8:30, seven days a week. Appointments highly recommended walk-ins are also available. We accept cash or credit card.
Update: 17 days ago
Time For A Massage? 916-272
Stop by HTM Massage for a relaxing full-body massage seven days a week. We are located at the corner of Florin Rd and Freeport Blvd. 1355 Florin Rd, Suite #13 95822 Call Now to schedule your massage. 916.272.2224 1 hr $60 1hr deep tissue $70 Four hands 30 minute massage $70 Half hr $40 Hours 9:30-8:30, seven days a week. Appointments highly recommended walk-ins are also available. We accept cash or credit card.
Update: 17 days ago
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