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a*6 pure sisters new here,just come and taste 914-228-8456
 LET'S MAKE IT EASY.ALL PICS ARE REAL ,ALL LADIES ARE WARM.ALL SERVICES ARE LEVELED UP!JUST COME AND HAVE NEW FUN!!! -SISTER 1: Wendy,24yrs.I hope you have a sweet tooth, my sticky milk will give you a sugar taste. And I'm willing to have a taste o you. -SISTER 2: Cindy,23yrs.Hands on bed,knee on bed,lift up one leg like a dog,Fuck from side -SISTER 3: Kimi,25yrs.Shape M of legs' seperating is the classical postion to get fucked -SISTER 4: Luna,26yrs.body lick:wet warm tongue licking you from head to toe, cleaning you up with erotic transparent saliva~ -SISTER 5: Linda,27yrs.When you see my angel face you must wanna painted your semen all over my face! -SISTER 6: Cora,26yrs.I like you to fuck me hard to make some loud striking sound when your butt pounding my fat butt! tel:914-228-8456
Update: 279 days ago
b*2024 new girls-6 new ones for vip services 914-228-8456
We have 6 rooms for 6 new girls : Room 1:Kiki You know what, I can tie a knot with my tongue~ Room 2:Mandy I can make your whole day if you can make my hole leak! Room 3:Alina I want you to moan my name when we do it. Room 4:Xixi Let's do something that your body will never forget Room 5:Dasha I have pretty eyes. Make me roll em back~ Room 6:Jiji I likes watching you eat me call:914-228-8456
Update: 279 days ago
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