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Beauty Massage Service 808-729
December is here which means people are very business. Everyone is in demand so much that they need of a beauty massage. Well this is the place to go to which is licensed massage therapist and great environmental to cater to you relaxation. Female and male including couples are all welcome here. Here are the different type of massage that is offered: Hawaiian lomi lomi/pettrisage Swedish Sports/athletic Deep tissue Shiatsu Combination Incall 30 Minutes $50 60 Minutes $70 90 Minutes $100 120 Minute $140 Tip is always requested at minimum $30 8 am to 8 pm Monday through Sunday 808-729-3022 To schedule an appointment please text me or call me! No walk ins I can not went to help from you
Update: 6 days ago
Beauty Massage Service 808-729
December is here which means people are very business. Everyone is in demand so much that they need of a beauty massage. Well this is the place to go to which is licensed massage therapist and great environmental to cater to you relaxation. Female and male including couples are all welcome here. Here are the different type of massage that is offered: Hawaiian lomi lomi/pettrisage Swedish Sports/athletic Deep tissue Shiatsu Combination Incall 30 Minutes $50 60 Minutes $70 90 Minutes $100 120 Minute $140 Tip is always requested at minimum $30 8 am to 8 pm Monday through Sunday 808-729-3022 To schedule an appointment please text me or call me! No walk ins I can not went to help from you
Update: 6 days ago
Beauty Massage Service 808-729
December is here which means people are very business. Everyone is in demand so much that they need of a beauty massage. Well this is the place to go to which is licensed massage therapist and great environmental to cater to you relaxation. Female and male including couples are all welcome here. Here are the different type of massage that is offered: Hawaiian lomi lomi/pettrisage Swedish Sports/athletic Deep tissue Shiatsu Combination Incall 30 Minutes $50 60 Minutes $70 90 Minutes $100 120 Minute $140 Tip is always requested at minimum $30 8 am to 8 pm Monday through Sunday 808-729-3022 To schedule an appointment please text me or call me! No walk ins I can not went to help from you
Update: 6 days ago
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