8057421947 (78 Links Found, 1 Reviews Found)

 Update: 473 days ago
Reviews about escort with phone number 8057421947
Reviews about escort with phone number 8057421947
Reviews about escort with phone number 8057421947
Reviews about escort with phone number 8057421947
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Reviews (1)

So this is so blatant, the person answering the texts doesn’t even know what the ads are for? They are just told to steal as many deposits as possible. And you guys let them do it? Listen folks, I went to law school and my family are all prosecutors and judges, and this is a continuing criminal conspiracy gius. There have been too many reports filed for you to not be aware of what is happening, and your exposure for class action is growing exponentially by the day. You need to do some serious behind the wire damage control before the federal regulators amd inpectors start taking this thing apart. Not kidding guys. I hope you listen, this is a RICO case all day.