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🌟🌟🌟incall special for this week. call to find out 😄 available now🌟🌟🌟
🌷CLAIRE🌷 Hey there...thanks for visiting my page, give me a call so we can set up a meeting! -Sorry I don't text My meetings will heal any stress or worries that you are carrying around 😊 **NO RUSHING** (so sit back and enjoy) I only offer incalls at my clean and upscale location (very safe!)...No AA
Update: 102 days ago
🌟🌟🌟incall special for this week. call to find out 😄 available now🌟🌟🌟
🌷CLAIRE🌷 Hey there...thanks for visiting my page, give me a call so we can set up a meeting! -Sorry I don't text My meetings will heal any stress or worries that you are carrying around 😊 **NO RUSHING** (so sit back and enjoy) I only offer incalls at my clean and upscale location (very safe!)...No AA
Update: 102 days ago
🌟🌟🌟incall special for this week. call to find out 😄 available now🌟🌟🌟
🌷CLAIRE🌷 Hey there...thanks for visiting my page, give me a call so we can set up a meeting! -Sorry I don't text My meetings will heal any stress or worries that you are carrying around 😊 **NO RUSHING** (so sit back and enjoy) I only offer incalls at my clean and upscale location (very safe!)...No AA
Update: 102 days ago
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