7025839509 (1 Links Found, 3 Reviews Found)

 Update: 1100 days ago
Reviews about escort with phone number 7025839509
Reviews about escort with phone number 7025839509
Reviews about escort with phone number 7025839509
Reviews about escort with phone number 7025839509
Reviews about escort with phone number 7025839509
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Reviews (3)

hello i'm sorry write hope someone ear so that kind not say women wherever my faulty meet pass was love try change made all shit and always forgive so last monday march 18 she text we spoke few days before u know love someone not point money about me she was one my hearth not wary so she plane monday sayd me was come was around midnight so was to me start be offended so much my figniyu outreach po t think she already had contact one was guy call her not care about me my love left asked me money before guy call left go that person so tryed call bloked me texted 2 days asked why u do that me so not call not text come back never point not about sex tryed go out made mess drugs she give to me was love made mistake about drugs my fsujty was love u love u blind wanted chsnge her so stil now call not say word point take away from me more one $500 left always forgive love now it's to much ask help hope one ear story look lots webs list not work life she do all this texted told her say me what have to do what she did not call nothing my filling bad she came that day told me was whit guy give me $2000 point i'm honest asked ajwsts agree point mobey reason try stay whit her love no now surrender please that person so false lier just justice and she learn not nice that shrine do something not ask nothing my life pray god punish that kind person stop other wise can write book fun soae webs people write good rewiew my hearth bad was say my self why r love her helped all told find nice work stay together think she know my love cry lots she not pity last monday was cry run away not pity only money pleae done
dear i'm write let u now people do wanted go out whit her dicember 31 trusted her she was my heart so start to call her was at 11 never answer me so she called me after 2 hoyrs new year never celebrate and she told me was to come see me so was happy one had my heart trusted so when saw her first was drunk came other 2 fryebds and honestly wanted stsy only whit her not about sex love her no she take away from me $500stoked me and left others and tryed call bunch times bloked me. do want someone eat me this person all webs shit down
Problem this escort piece shit and stoled my house 6 thousand dollars called police sayd need prove this law this person around give shit asking be removed she destroyed my life tryed change her life she used me hate this person