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Certified massage therapist in for all type of body massage at a cheap and affordable rate
REGULAR MASSAGE: Nuru, thai, deep tissue, sensual or trigger point masssge for an hour session KING MASSAGE: $350 A bath with client, full body massage, essential oil massage, happy ending with BJ and HJ, a glass of wine and fruit for free. An hour session SUPER KING MASSAGE: A bath with client, full body massage with essential oil, quickie with BJ and HJ for relaxation, a glass of wine and fruit for free. An hour and 30 mins LUXURY MASSAGE: A bath with client, fire cupping therapy, full body massage with essential oil, sex, free fruit and wine, BJ and HJ for relaxation. 2 hours sessions OTHER SERVICES I OFFER: FOREPLAY, CAR PLAY, BLOW JOB, SEXTING, SEX. WhatsApp  4423420429 Instagram Charlottelucas53 Tiktok  @sarah17112003 Signal 4423420429 Apple message 4423420429
Update: 26 days ago
Available for all type of body massage at a cheap and affordable rate
REGULAR MASSAGE:Â Nuru, thai, deep tissue, sensual or trigger point masssge for an hour session KING MASSAGE:Â A bath with client, full body massage, essential oil massage, happy ending with BJ and HJ, a glass of wine and fruit for free. An hour session SUPER KING MASSAGE: A bath with client, full body massage with essential oil, quickie with BJ and HJ for relaxation, a glass of wine and fruit for free. An hour and 30 mins LUXURY MASSAGE:Â A bath with client, fire cupping therapy, full body massage with essential oil, sex, free fruit and wine, BJ and HJ for relaxation. 2 hours sessions OTHER SERVICES I OFFER: FOREPLAY, CAR PLAY, BLOW JOB, SEXTING, SEX.t WhatsApp 4423420429 iMessage 4423420429 Instagram charlottelucas53 Tiktok @sarah17112003
Update: 24 days ago
Certified massage therapist in for all type of body massage at a cheap and affordable rate
REGULAR MASSAGE: Nuru, thai, deep tissue, sensual or trigger point masssge for an hour session KING MASSAGE: $350 A bath with client, full body massage, essential oil massage, happy ending with BJ and HJ, a glass of wine and fruit for free. An hour session SUPER KING MASSAGE: A bath with client, full body massage with essential oil, quickie with BJ and HJ for relaxation, a glass of wine and fruit for free. An hour and 30 mins LUXURY MASSAGE: A bath with client, fire cupping therapy, full body massage with essential oil, sex, free fruit and wine, BJ and HJ for relaxation. 2 hours sessions OTHER SERVICES I OFFER: FOREPLAY, CAR PLAY, BLOW JOB, SEXTING, SEX. WhatsApp  4423420429 Instagram Charlottelucas53 Tiktok  @sarah17112003 Signal 4423420429 Apple message 4423420429
Update: 26 days ago
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