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☎▶650-770-0999 🌅100% new asian girl⭐🌈grand opening🌅⭐🌈vip star service sexy and beautiful girls you
🔺650-770-0999🔻 🔺 Burdette Dr Ste C, San Jose, CA 95121 🔻 🔺Open 7 days a week, 9:00am to 10:00pm🔻 🍒—❥You will love your time with us 🍒—❥We provide excellent service 🍒—❥No rush👏 🍒—❥We will give you special treatment 🍒—❥Everything is special for your baby!! 🍒—❥Just a relaxing, sensual passion to get away from daily stress ✔️Independent body massage/massage in and out Sexy beauties 💘Soft sweet and smooth skin 💘Beautiful face and sexy body💘 Safe and clean 💘Discreet and drama-free 💘Do more than you think 💘Amazing touch 💕💕Thank you for choosing me among many stores. 💕💕
Update: 47 days ago
☎▶650-770-0999 🌅100% new asian girl⭐🌈grand opening🌅⭐🌈vip star service sexy and beautiful girls you
🔺650-770-0999🔻 🔺 Burdette Dr Ste C, San Jose, CA 95121 🔻 🔺Open 7 days a week, 9:00am to 10:00pm🔻 🍒—❥You will love your time with us 🍒—❥We provide excellent service 🍒—❥No rush👏 🍒—❥We will give you special treatment 🍒—❥Everything is special for your baby!! 🍒—❥Just a relaxing, sensual passion to get away from daily stress ✔️Independent body massage/massage in and out Sexy beauties 💘Soft sweet and smooth skin 💘Beautiful face and sexy body💘 Safe and clean 💘Discreet and drama-free 💘Do more than you think 💘Amazing touch 💕💕Thank you for choosing me among many stores. 💕💕
Update: 57 days ago
☎▶650-770-0999 🌅100% new asian girl⭐🌈grand opening🌅⭐🌈vip star service sexy and beautiful girls you
🔺650-770-0999🔻 🔺 Burdette Dr Ste C, San Jose, CA 95121 🔻 🔺Open 7 days a week, 9:00am to 10:00pm🔻 🍒—❥You will love your time with us 🍒—❥We provide excellent service 🍒—❥No rush👏 🍒—❥We will give you special treatment 🍒—❥Everything is special for your baby!! 🍒—❥Just a relaxing, sensual passion to get away from daily stress ✔️Independent body massage/massage in and out Sexy beauties 💘Soft sweet and smooth skin 💘Beautiful face and sexy body💘 Safe and clean 💘Discreet and drama-free 💘Do more than you think 💘Amazing touch 💕💕Thank you for choosing me among many stores. 💕💕
Update: 36 days ago
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