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Your favorite baddie here, only serious people please, I take 50% upfront payment so as not to waste our time and also to be sure you mean business, people play games a lot and I am not in to waste anyone’s time, let’s get straight to business and have fun… I was born to satisfy your sexual desires, just give me a text… Phone number: 6305172548 Email or Google chat: Valeriedow123@gmail Telegram;   @val_dow
Update: 118 days ago
Your favorite baddie here, only serious people please, I take 50% upfront payment so as not to waste our time and also to be sure you mean business, people play games a lot and I am not in to waste anyone’s time, let’s get straight to business and have fun… I was born to satisfy your sexual desires, just give me a text… Phone number: 6305172548 Email or Google chat: Valeriedow123@gmail Telegram;   @val_dow
Update: 108 days ago
Your favorite Baddie 😉
Your favorite baddie here, only serious people please, I take 50% upfront payment so as not to waste our time and also to be sure you mean business, people play games a lot and I am not in to waste anyone’s time, let’s get straight to business and have fun…just give me a text… Phone number: 6305172548 Email or Google chat: Valeriedow123@gmail Telegram;   @val_dow
Update: 105 days ago
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