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Also accept Payment in person 💦👅Curvy Erotic ❤Juicy🍑🍆💦 imma suck the hell outta your d**k and fuck y
Rippers and cops should get off my page🧸🥴. I’m done being ripped off with fake $$ bills and locked up. I don’t scam 😢🥵people 👋🏼like the other bitches here, I’m a verified escort so you’re safe with me Look I’m not some cheap slut who’s gonna receive money and won’t come, I don’t do shit with my clients cos I believe when they trust me I’m gonna be called again for hook up..... Text or call me: 5166907840
Update: 234 days ago
Also accept Payment in person 💦👅Curvy Erotic ❤Juicy🍑🍆💦 imma suck the hell outta your d**k and fuck y
Rippers and cops should get off my page🧸🥴. I’m done being ripped off with fake $$ bills and locked up. I don’t scam 😢🥵people 👋🏼like the other bitches here, I’m a verified escort so you’re safe with me Look I’m not some cheap slut who’s gonna receive money and won’t come, I don’t do shit with my clients cos I believe when they trust me I’m gonna be called again for hook up..... Text or call me: 5166907840
Update: 234 days ago
Also accept Payment in person 💦👅Curvy Erotic ❤Juicy🍑🍆💦 imma suck the hell outta your d**k and fuck y
Rippers and cops should get off my page🧸🥴. I’m done being ripped off with fake $$ bills and locked up. I don’t scam 😢🥵people 👋🏼like the other bitches here, I’m a verified escort so you’re safe with me Look I’m not some cheap slut who’s gonna receive money and won’t come, I don’t do shit with my clients cos I believe when they trust me I’m gonna be called again for hook up..... Text or call me: 5166907840
Update: 234 days ago
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