All scoring data is provided by users and does not represent the attitude of the platform
Links (35)
All Natural 🍑
Polite, Professional and Discreet 🤭 No bare at all ever. No gfe. No vulgar/explicit communication. Do not send me any unsolicited body pics. Please be respectful when reaching out to me. Must have good hygiene, no sweaty/foul body odor. VIDEO CALL SCREENING REQUIRED, non negotiable. Deposits are required for all outcall visits, non negotiable. Respect my rules and come have a good time. 😘
Update: 167 days ago
All Natural 🍑💦 Let me please you 😘
The Real Thing 💦
No bare at all ever. No gfe. No vulgar/explicit communication. Do not send me any unsolicited body pics. Please be respectful when reaching out to me. Must have good hygiene, no sweaty/foul body odor. VIDEO CALL SCREENING REQUIRED, non negotiable. Deposits are required for all outcall visits, non negotiable. Respect my rules and come have a good time. 😘
Update: 19 days ago
All Natural 🍑
Polite, Professional and Discreet 🤭 No bare at all ever. No gfe. No vulgar/explicit communication. Do not send me any unsolicited body pics. Please be respectful when reaching out to me. Must have good hygiene, no sweaty/foul body odor. VIDEO CALL SCREENING REQUIRED, non negotiable. Deposits are required for all outcall visits, non negotiable. Respect my rules and come have a good time. 😘
Update: 184 days ago
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