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KATY | Send me your pictures, it's required
DONT WASTE YOUR TIME ASKING ME FOR. MORE PICTURES ITS 🌹 500 🌹 INCALLS VIP&GFE Hr🌹 1000 🌹 Highly recommended .BBJ🤤🍆💦💦 OUTCALLS Hr🌹1500🌹 ITS 300 OF DEPOSIT REQUIRED Hello guys im katy and I'm not available for everyone. Im very selective with clients. Im very clean girl and I like guys with good hygienic. I'm not into dirty talk by text or call phone. You must be clean before you come to see me I accept cash and zelle only Call me now baby I'm ready to have a good time with you Flash ID: dani95ts
Update: 1 days ago
KATY | Send me your pictures, it's required
DONT WASTE YOUR TIME ASKING ME FOR. MORE PICTURES ITS 🌹 500 🌹 INCALLS VIP&GFE Hr🌹 1000 🌹 Highly recommended .BBJ🤤🍆💦💦 OUTCALLS Hr🌹1500🌹 ITS 300 OF DEPOSIT REQUIRED Hello guys im katy and I'm not available for everyone. Im very selective with clients. Im very clean girl and I like guys with good hygienic. I'm not into dirty talk by text or call phone. You must be clean before you come to see me I accept cash and zelle only Call me now baby I'm ready to have a good time with you Flash ID: dani95ts
Update: 1 days ago
KATY | Send me your pictures, it's required
DONT WASTE YOUR TIME ASKING ME FOR. MORE PICTURES ITS 🌹 500 🌹 INCALLS VIP&GFE Hr🌹 1000 🌹 Highly recommended .BBJ🤤🍆💦💦 OUTCALLS Hr🌹1500🌹 ITS 300 OF DEPOSIT REQUIRED Hello guys im katy and I'm not available for everyone. Im very selective with clients. Im very clean girl and I like guys with good hygienic. I'm not into dirty talk by text or call phone. You must be clean before you come to see me I accept cash and zelle only Call me now baby I'm ready to have a good time with you Flash ID: dani95ts
Update: 1 days ago
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