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Snapchat: J_russell4711 Number: (408) 375-9030 STRICTLY ADULTS ONLY! Text my number or add me on snap to make plans. If you're more than half an hour away and I'm coming to meet you, I might have to charge extra. Also might have to do half upfront payment if need be. Feel free to ask for verifications. Please don't hit me up if you're unsure about meeting. Thank you!
Update: 276 days ago
Snapchat: J_russell4711 Number: (408) 375-9030 STRICTLY ADULTS ONLY! Text my number or add me on snap to make plans. If you're more than half an hour away and I'm coming to meet you, I might have to charge extra. Also might have to do half upfront payment if need be. Feel free to ask for verifications. Please don't hit me up if you're unsure about meeting. Thank you!
Update: 276 days ago
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