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I need a partner to shower with gifts and love. Keep me good company and I will take good care of yo
Hello Dear.Are you interested in being my sugar baby ❤️❤️ and I’m ready to take care of your bills and sending you $1500 weekly, nothing weird about this, just talk to me and make me happy. We can also get naughty and have some fun. Let me know if you are interested. Text me 3852024163
Update: 123 days ago
I need a partner to shower with gifts and love. Keep me good company and I will take good care of yo
Hello Dear.Are you interested in being my sugar baby ❤️❤️ and I’m ready to take care of your bills and sending you $1500 weekly, nothing weird about this, just talk to me and make me happy. We can also get naughty and have some fun. Let me know if you are interested. Text me (385) 202-4163
Update: 142 days ago
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