All scoring data is provided by users and does not represent the attitude of the platform
Links (839)
Text&WhatsApp : (310) 220-1467 Telegram: victoria_xx0 Signal : victoria_xx.01 Discord : victoria_xx0
My name is Victoria, 100% Independent, I’m available all day and night for incall and... for 💧 💋 💯% Real & Ready Now👅 🍭Naughty Fun💋My Place Or Yours💋 👅 I’ll satisfy you my full service such as ****, oral, doggy, hardcore I can ride your cock 🍆 till you beg me to stop I’m 💯 honest and sincere lady you’d ever love to meet 😍 I’m available all day and night for InCall and OutCall 👉👌🍆🍑 😍 number: (310) 220-1467 Signal : victoria_xx.01 Telegram: victoria_xx0 WhatsApp: (310) 220-1467 Discord : victoria_xx0
Update: 182 days ago
Text&WhatsApp : (310) 220-1467 Telegram: victoria_xx0 Signal : victoria_xx.01 Discord : victoria_xx0
My name is Victoria, 100% Independent, I’m available all day and night for incall and... for 💧 💋 💯% Real & Ready Now👅 🍭Naughty Fun💋My Place Or Yours💋 👅 I’ll satisfy you my full service such as ****, oral, doggy, hardcore I can ride your cock 🍆 till you beg me to stop I’m 💯 honest and sincere lady you’d ever love to meet 😍 I’m available all day and night for InCall and OutCall 👉👌🍆🍑 😍 number: (310) 220-1467 Signal : victoria_xx.01 Telegram: victoria_xx0 WhatsApp: (310) 220-1467 Discord : victoria_xx0
Update: 182 days ago
Text&WhatsApp : (310) 220-1467 Telegram: victoria_xx0 Signal : victoria_xx.01 Discord : victoria_xx0
My name is Victoria, 100% Independent, I’m available all day and night for incall and... for 💧 💋 💯% Real & Ready Now👅 🍭Naughty Fun💋My Place Or Yours💋 👅 I’ll satisfy you my full service such as ****, oral, doggy, hardcore I can ride your cock 🍆 till you beg me to stop I’m 💯 honest and sincere lady you’d ever love to meet 😍 I’m available all day and night for InCall and OutCall 👉👌🍆🍑 😍 number: (310) 220-1467 Signal : victoria_xx.01 Telegram: victoria_xx0 WhatsApp: (310) 220-1467 Discord : victoria_xx0
Update: 182 days ago
Reviews (1)
Asking to pay CIA PayPal, Chase App, Bitcoin or Venmo. Half before you meet, half once you get near the an additional $200 before she walks out the door to meet you. Can’t even do a simple picture for evidence she is really that person. Won’t answer the phone so she could be a he.